Jonas Surnames Names Locations Distribution Gallery Wüpper Surnames Names Bühnemann Surnames Names Dahlenburg My hometown General informations Impressum |
Welcome to the Jonas Family
The Genealogy of the Jonas family
On this pages you will find the research on my family tree including the main lines JONAS, DIETRICH and ULRICH.
The Jonas line came from the 'Altes Land' (engl. "old land"), a region in the west of Hamburg. As far as I know most of them
were farmers. Nowadays more then 4000 'Jonas' can be found in the German phone books. The
geographical distribution figures out that the Jonas' appear mainly in the western part of Germany, specially in the regions of Hamburg, Schleswig-Holstein and Cologne.
The complete surname list and names list of my family history contains more than 750 people, who all were living at locations in North and East Germany.
From a collection of still existing old photos I have compiled some of them into my little "gallery".
The Genealogy of the Wüpper family
Like the Jonas family the Wüpper family came from the Altes Land also, specially from Neuenfelde and Estebrügge. Although they are not directly related to the Jonas relatives, there are some common surnames in both family trees leading to the assumption that somehow there might be connections. The only known relation is that the sister of my grandmother Johanna Jonas,
Marie Jonas, married Heinrich Wüpper. The surname list and the names list only show parts of the Wüpper family tree which was researched by a distant Wüpper descendant many years ago. Interesting and confusing is that the different Wüpper families had often used the same given names.
The Genealogy of the Bühnemann family
The Bühnemann family was living in the region of Helmstedt in eastern Lower Saxony.
The list of the surnames and names contains about 100 persons from the 17th to 19th century.
Dahlenburg is situated in eastern Lower Saxony, about 25 km (14 miles) east of the district town of Lüneburg.